Whasoomok Co., Ltd. produces natural products dyed with natural dyes which is blended with flowers, water and trees.We has been researching natural dyes and natural dyestuff for a long time.
We have technology partnership with Canadian natural cosmetics manufacturer Uni-cof to extract high-quality natural medicines and state-of-the-art natural dyes. Our company produces natural-friendly living necessities by traditional dyeing method.
Even though it's hard to go...
Whoseoomok Co., Ltd.'s vision is to become one of the leading natural dyestuffs and natural products company in Korea with its natural products, which are the oldest gifts of nature.In 1996, we made efforts to develop research & development and dyeing technology for domestic magnetic natural products, and after 10 years of making fruit, Whasoomok, a natural dyeing brand of domestic and foreign products, has been launched.
We are focusing on developing better natural technologies and
trying to revitalize the natural dyeing market in Korea and to develop various natural products through natural materials to make the color of Korea right away.